A new one

Hey guys,

Uoh, I’ve not written anything for a while now. What happened? I was busy with business activities as well as with private stuff. Thus I wrote an article about data access possibilities with Windows Phone 7 for the German dotnet.pro magazine and I’ve shifted some blogging activities to my company’s blog http://flurfunk.sdx-ag.de (German). Moreover I attended the Professional Scrum Developer workshop and got many experiences from that. I’m very happy with my company SDX and I’m glad to have colleagues who inspire me and I love deeper conversations with them. Thank you for a great year 2010, guys! Furthermore, I’m currently using more time for my private life. My wife has finished her exam as teacher for the secondary school and found a job nearby Frankfurt. Currently we’re searching an apartment (didn’t think this would be so tough before…) and will hopefully move in spring 2011. For myself, I’m constantly changing my view to life and finding my way of life and got some inspiration on this during the last months.

So, I just want to wish you a happy and successful year 2011!

I’ve got the feeling that 2011 will be a great year. For my blogging activities I hope to come back again with my central focus points for 2011: Silverlight/WP7, frameworks, patterns and architecture. Let’s get the best out of this year, the show goes on!

Regards, Matthias

Now on Twitter!

Just a short announcement for today: Finally I found my way to Twitter, where you can find or reference me with @JauMatt.

For a long time I didn’t see any value in Twitter. But I think I’ve been mistaken. I’m using Twitter for nearly 3 weeks now, with my new iPhone acting as initial trigger 😉

I love the simplicity of the Twitter concept. It’s great to keep in touch with people and to come into discussion on various tweets.
I love it to share just some few thoughts, short comments, tipps and links, for which a fully fledged blog post would be way to big.

Follow me on Twitter to keep in touch and you’ll get:

  • Links that I find useful,
  • My thoughts on current topics,
  • News about what I’m working on,
  • Sometimes a little personal stuff 🙂

See you there!

2008 – a personal retrospect

2008 – a year of change (not only for the US). Why I’m writing on this? Because I’m ever looking forward, but seldom I take my time to look back and remember what has been done. That is this article for.

2008 was a year of heavy changes for me. After 5 years of struggling (but having fun, too!) I finished my study in computer science with the „Master of Science“ degree. Therefore I moved from Leipzig to Stuttgart in Germany, where I had the chance to work on my master thesis at the Robert Bosch GmbH. This was a challenging time for me, but after all I learned a lot and had fun with some new friends (there was the soccer European championship… unfortunately we lost the final against Spain, but I had a really good time). I got the chance to develop a new ultrasonic-based driver assistance system and brought it to a very good end. In September my thesis was done and after presenting it at my university, my study was finished, too. After getting a national accolade for my Bachelor thesis in 2007, again I’m getting honoured for my Master thesis by my university in January 2009 and I’m really happy about this. It shows me, that my work gets complimented and that I must have something done right 🙂

I was struggling a long time, if I would continue with a doctor thesis or going to profession. During my study I had much fun in algorithmics (general, image processing, artificial intelligence, artificial neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, …), but in software engineering, too. Due to my private environment and the circumstances of graduating for me in Germany, I decided to start a career. Perhaps I will fetch the doctor later on, but for the moment I really don’t regret my decision! With SDX I found a company in Frankfurt, where I’m feeling at home and where I’m able to learn so many things – I didn’t think before, that I could learn so much in just 3 months now. I get the chance to dive into the most current Microsoft and .NET technologies, including ASP.NET MVC, Entity Framework, Silverlight, Windows Azure…  And most important for me: there are colleagues, to whom I can look up and who are real inspiring examples for me! I need these guys to see, where I am and where I want to be one day and to be motivated in making progress on my skills (technical and non-technical). Often today, I’m not able to defend my opinions and decisions, because I’m missing many experiences. I’m going to further develop my know-how and make experiences during the next year and later on. But hey: I’m 25 years old and just starting! Thus I’m full of confidence for the next year. I hope, that I’ll never lose my motivation, because it’s making my life worth living. And I hope, that I could find more time on blogging around at this location in 2009 🙂

Some personal annotations: 2008 I could finish my first half marathon (after a meniscus injury stopped me the years before…), where I’m really happy with. I hope to finish another one in 2009 and someday a full Marathon and/or Triathlon over the olympic distance. My carnivorous plants had a mixed year… sorry babies, I neglected you sometimes. Last but not least: my girlfriend found a traineeship position for her teacher profession, which was a big shudder in the last weeks. Now we can build up a family while marrying and making babies and those things 😉 (ok ok, we will not hurry too much ^^).

That’s it for now!

I wish you all some recreative and inspiring Christmas days and a good start into 2009! Let’s make it a good year. Cheers!

English… I’m here!

Yes, I will change my blog language to English from now on due to more than one reason. On the one hand side I want/have to practice my English skills. I’m familiar in reading English, but not very familiar in writing, yet. I had an English advanced course at school, but this is years ago…  Please forgive me some cumbersome linguistic constructions, my English is not perfect, but I will try hard to improve my skills.  On the other hand side, most technical blogging is in English and while attracting more foreign users, I want to give them a language they can understand (I know, German can be frightening sometimes 😉 ). Comments, anyone?

PDC 2008

Morgen geht es los mit der PDC, Microsoft’s jährlicher Professional Developer Conference, die nicht selten den Ausgangspunkt für viele der neuesten Technologien (nicht nur für Entwickler) dargestellt hat. Ich freue mich darauf, aus der Ferne von News in den Bereichen .NET, C# und Visual Studio zu erfahren und einen Ausblick darauf zu erhaschen, was Microsoft in der Zukunft mit diesen Technologien vor hat.

Im Vorfeld der PDC konnte man bereits einiges erfahren und auch die Agenda gibt einigen Aufschluss. Das Thema Parallel Computing ist sicher ein wichtiges für C# bzw. das .NET Framework und mit der Integration der Parallel Extensions wird Microsoft einen wichtigen Schritt in diese Richtung tun. Doch das kann nicht alles sein, gerade im Bereich Patterns ist da noch mehr nötig und hier wird auf der PDC sicherlich einiges auf uns zukommen.

Eins steht schon fest: .NET bekommt ein neues Logo. Hier ist es:

Mich freut’s… das alte war doch „leicht“ angestaubt und erinnerte eher an Zeiten von Windows 98 und ME anstatt an ein aktuelles Entwicklungs-Framework…

Also ich bin gespannt auf die News dieser Woche und werde in diesem Blog auf die besten davon eingehen.


Hallo und willkommen auf meinem neuen Blog. In diesem ersten Artikel möchte ich kurz auf die Ziele des Blogs beschreiben und womit ihr hier in Zukunft rechnen könnt 🙂

Über meine Webseite www.linux-related.de habe ich schon immer gern mein Wissen weitergegeben, speziell in den Bereichen Theoretische Informatik, Algorithmik, KI, KNN und Bildverarbeitung. Dies war zu Zeiten meines Studiums. Nun arbeite ich bei der SDX als Software-Entwickler und will dort erworbenes allgemeines Wissen mit Hilfe dieses Blogs weitergeben…

Damit könnt ihr in diesem Blog rechnen:

  • Neuigkeiten in den Bereichen .NET, C#, Architekturen und MS-Technologien,
  • Wissen: Softwareentwicklung allgemein
  • Wissen: Architekturen und Design Patterns
  • Wissen: Softwareentwurf
  • Erfahrungen in den Bereichen Technologie, Business und Management

Ich hoffe, dass sich der Aufwand lohnt und einige Hilfesuchende meinen Rat auf diesen Seiten hier zu schätzen wissen werden.

So far for now… Matthias